Using Types

This document will explain and give examples to using the ydk types. Types explained will include:

  • Empty.
  • Decimal64.
  • FixedBitsDict.
  • YList.

Example use of Empty type

  • The leaf being configured (accept_route) under the module ydk.models.openconfig.openconfig_routing_policy:

accept_route: accepts the route into the routing table. type: Empty

from ydk.models.openconfig.openconfig_routing_policy import RoutingPolicy

# configure policy definition
routing_policy = RoutingPolicy()
policy_definition = routing_policy.policy_definitions.PolicyDefinition() = "POLICY2"
# community-set statement
statement = policy_definition.statements.Statement()
statement.actions.accept_route = Empty() # accept_route is of Empty type

Example use of Decimal64 type

  • The leaf being configured (restart_timer) under the ydk.models.openconfig_bgp.bgp module:

restart_timer: Time interval in seconds after which the BGP session is re-established after being torn down due to exceeding the max-prefix limit. type: Decimal64

from ydk.models.openconfig.openconfig_bgp import Bgp

config = Bgp.Neighbors.Neighbor.AfiSafis.AfiSafi.Ipv4LabelledUnicast.PrefixLimit.Config()
config.restart_timer = Decimal64('3.343') # restart_timer is of Decimal64 type

Example use of FixedBitsDict type

  • The leaf being configured (restart_timer) under the ydk.models.ietf.ietf_netconf_acm module:

access_operations: Access operations associated with this rule. This leaf matches if it has the value ‘*’ or if the bit corresponding to the requested operation is set. type: str

from ydk.models.ietf.ietf_netconf_acm import Nacm

rule_list   = Nacm.RuleList()
rule        = rule_list.Rule()
rule.parent = rule_list
rule.rule_list.rule.access_operations['read'] = True # access_operations is of bits type

Example use of YList type

  • The node being configured is afi_safi under the ydk.models.openconfig_bgp.bgp module:
from ydk.models.openconfig.openconfig_bgp import Bgp

bgp = Bgp()
afi_safi = bgp.global_.afi_safis.AfiSafi() # afi_safi is of YList type
afi_safi.afi_safi_name = oc_bgp_types.Ipv4UnicastIdentity()
afi_safi.config.afi_safi_name = oc_bgp_types.Ipv4UnicastIdentity()
afi_safi.config.enabled = True

Example use of YLeafList type

  • The leaf being configured (ipv4_dscp) under the ydk.models.cisco_ios_xr.Cisco_IOS_XR_asr9k_policymgr_cfg module:

ipv4_dscp: An leaflist of Match IPv4 DSCP. type: YLeafList

from ydk.models.asr9k.Cisco_IOS_XR_asr9k_policymgr_cfg import PolicyManager

match = PolicyManager.ClassMaps.ClassMap.Match()
match.ipv4_dscp.extend(['15', '16', '17', '18', '19'])
even_elements = match.ipv4_dscp[::2]

# Note: YLeafList is associative array, attempt to add duplicated element will raise Exception.
# YPYDataValidationError will be raised.