ydk.types module


Contains type definitions.

class ydk.types.DELETE

Bases: object

Marker class used to mark nodes that are to be deleted.

Assign DELETE object to a mark a leaf for deletion. A CRUD update operation will delete the leaf from the device it is on.

class ydk.types.Decimal64(str_val)

Bases: object

Represents the decimal64 YANG type. The decimal64 type represents a subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals.

The value space of decimal64 is the set of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying a 64-bit signed integer by a negative power of ten, i.e., expressible as “i x 10^-n” where i is an integer64 and n is an integer between 1 and 18, inclusively.

String representation of the decimal64 number.
class ydk.types.Empty

Bases: object

Represents the empty type in YANG. The empty built-in type represents a leaf that does not have any value, it conveys information by its presence or absence.

class ydk.types.FixedBitsDict(dictionary, pos_map)

Bases: object

Super class of all classes that represents the bits type in YANG

A concrete implementation of this class has a dictionary. The bits built-in type represents a bit set. That is, a bits value is a set of flags identified by small integer position numbers starting at 0. Each bit number has an assigned name. To set a bit use the name of the bit as a key into the dictionary and set the value to True (False to unset).

class ydk.types.READ

Bases: object

Marker class used to mark nodes that are to be read.

class ydk.types.YList

Bases: list

Represents a list with support for hanging a parent.

All YANG based entity classes that have lists in them use YList to represent the list.

class ydk.types.YLeafList

Bases: ydk.types.YList

Represents a leaf-list with support for hanging a parent.

All YANG leaf-list is represented as YLeafList. YLeafList is associative array, it contains unique elemenets.